Consider you are a gym owner, running your gym successfully and providing your clients with a remarkable fitness experience. You are the one in your gym who provides your clients and staff with motivation and fitness inspiration so that they can continue their fitness journeys. But what about yours? Whenever you need some inspiration and motivation, whom can you consult? In the fitness industry, whenever you consult someone for motivation or advice, that person seems to be the expert in the industry. Still, it becomes hard for you to trust that person’s advice or motive. 

Moreover, to grow in the industry, you also have to be aware of the latest fitness industry trends. This will ensure that you have all the latest market trends in your gym for an exceptional fitness experience. As a gym owner, you might have questions about whom you can follow to get motivation about fitness and where you can get the latest market trends in the fitness industry. 

Thus, to answer these questions, we will discuss gym owner associations and gym forums, which enable you to get all the answers that hit your mind related to the fitness industry. These forums allow you to get the latest market trends, while gym owner associations provide you with the necessary guidelines for profitability. 

Why are gym owner associations and gym forums significant? 

As a gym owner, you always want your gym to succeed and provide your potential clients with a remarkable fitness journey they can’t forget. During your client’s fitness journey, you have to provide them with motivation and inspiration to remain consistent in the gym. You have to provide them with examples from the fitness industry about people who have done hilarious transformations in their fitness journey. You also have to ensure your clients can access educational resources. So, your client can learn more about the healthy mind and sound body while performing workouts in the industry. 

Moreover, fitness trends in the fitness industry continue to change with each passing day. In your gym, you always want your clients to perform up-to-date fitness training and be fully aware of the market trends. To educate your clients about the marketing trends, you have to first educate yourself about the fitness industry. Thus, to beat the issues of the client’s motivation and the latest market trends, you have to join different gym owner associations and forums. These platforms offer you opportunities for collaboration, networking, and sharing knowledge among industry professionals. Thus, these associations and forums enable you to create an environment where your clients are highly motivated and follow the latest market trends. 

Top 5 gym owner associations

To motivate your clients about fitness and gain the necessary skills and knowledge, you have to make sure that you follow gym owner associations. These associations enable you to access industry insights and best practices that can help you improve your studio operations and stand ahead of your competition. Here are the Top five gym owner associations that are worth your attention and enable you to motivate your clients. 


If you spend around 1 to 2 years in the fitness industry, you must have heard the name IHSRA from different coaches and fitness freaks. IHSRA stands for International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association. This gym owner association is globally famous for serving gyms, spas, health clubs, fitness facilities, and suppliers. 

The motive and goal of IHSRA are to protect, grow, and promote the fitness industry while providing a path to the gym owners that made them successful in the industry. 

So, if you want to grow your gym and establish your brand among the competition, it is essential for you to join IHSRA. Whether you are a personal trainer or a gym owner, the statistics of IHSRA can help. 

These statistical data enable you to understand your clients’ behavior and aid you in providing your clients with a remarkable fitness experience. For example, suppose you want to learn what age group of clients are willing to attend yoga classes. In that case, you can consult the statistical analysis by IHSRA, which enables you to get an idea about the percentage of clients willing to participate in a particular class. 


If you want to inspire your clients with the latest research on the fitness industry, you have to consult the ACSM. ACSM stands for the American College of Sports Medicine. This association enables you to understand the importance of physical exercise science and sports medicine in the industry. The motive and mission of ACSM are to support and promote the scientific research, education, and practical applications of physical health science and sports medicine for the improvement of human health. 

ACSM offers online courses, journals, and textbooks to keep gym owners and personal trainers informed about scientific research. 

For example, if you want all the members to know about the importance of sports medicine for the benefit of humans, you have to provide them with textbooks from ACSM and give them detailed lectures on these topics. Moreover, ASCM knowledge and skills also enable you to attract new clients looking for the best solutions for their bodies. 


To attract new clients and to give your clients the best training to attain the best body, you have to join the non-profit gym owner association of ACE. ACE stands for the American Council on Exercise. This association has been helping its members for the past 30 years and gives the world some of the best trainers that motivate others to attain the path of fitness. The mission and motive of ACE are to improve physical health by protecting clients through certifications, educational resources, and advocacy. 

Thus, if you want to give your clients exceptional fitness training and inspire them to be in the best shape, you need to acquire knowledge and skills from ACE. Moreover, the ACE association also enables you to understand important gym business insights such as sales. So, you can put all your efforts into growing your gym. 


If you want your gym to offer remarkable fitness training to your clients and create an environment where they get motivated, you have to join the NASM. NASM is one of the top five gym owner associations that enables you to ensure an exceptional fitness journey for your clients. NASM stands for National Academy of Sports Medicine. The motive and mission of NASM are to spread awareness about sports medicine all over the world so that people all over the globe can use this knowledge to improve their physical strength. 

For this purpose, NASM offers a variety of sources, such as podcasts, online articles, and webinars. Thus, gym owners like you access these sources to get expert reviews on sports medicine and become an inspiration for their clients. Moreover, the main focus of NASM lies in helping a member who faces weight loss and cardiovascular issues. For example, If you want that you have clients who want to gain muscle, you have to join the NASM association. As it enables you to provide assistance to clients that want to gain muscle. 


Suppose you want to attract clients to your gym who are looking for strength strengthening and body conditioning. Then, you have to join the NSCA association to learn the necessary skills to inspire and motivate clients. NSCA stands for National Strength and Conditioning Association. The motive of this gym owner association is to provide its clients with training and knowledge about strength training. So, such gym owners can inspire the fitness freaks looking for muscle in the gym. 

This association is known globally for its dedication to advancing strength training. It offers certification for gym owners like you as strength and conditioning coaches and exercise physiologists. Thus, you can provide your clients with all the necessary skills to give them the required muscle strength. 

Best gym forums and discussion groups 

As a gym owner, you always want to provide your clients with up-to-date training and nutrition plans that enable you to give the best results. Apart from taking certifications from different gym owner associations, you also have to join online communities and gym forums. These forums not only enable you to check the latest market trends but also enable you to give valuable insight into different topics in the fitness industry.  Here are the 3 best gym forums and discussion groups that allow you to provide the best knowledge about the fitness industry.

If you want to search discussions about focus areas such as workout programs, and nutrition/supplements, you have to be part of This forum is known as a message board that enables different fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders to connect with each other. By searching on this forum, you can access information about every topic related to the fitness industry. 

For example, in your gym, your clients ask about the market trends in strength training. This forum can provide you with all the information you need and also provide you with valuable insights from expert trainers. 

Functional training discussion board

Suppose you want to buy new gym equipment and require expert reviews on that equipment in your gym. Then, you can visit this gym forum and read expert reviews on this platform. 

Although this platform is designed to give fitness freaks answers to their questions, nowadays, gym owners like you can take part in discussions and learn about the trendy devices and equipment in the industry. You can give your suggestions and share your experiences. So, if you want your gym to have the best equipment and devices, you have to use the section dedicated to functional training for gym equipment and move one step ahead of your competition. 

FitDay discussion board 

If you want to have first-hand knowledge about the market trends and information related to bodybuilding and fitness activities. Then, the FitDay discussion board help you with this. With this forum, you can provide your client with daily news about the fitness industry. 

Moreover, this platform also enables you to take part in discussions and debates so you can share valuable information about the research topics. Thus, if you join this gym forum, you can stay updated and stay one step ahead. 

Final takeaway

So, if you want your gym to become the best place where clients get motivated to start their fitness journey, You have to choose the best gym owner associations and forums. These associations provide you with all the necessary information that enables you to guide the path of your clients in the fitness industry while giving them tips for staying healthy. 

Moreover, if you face any fitness issue, you can discuss it with the fitness experts and get their valuable reviews on it. So, you are able to provide your clients with the necessary fitness motivation while keeping them updated on the latest market trends.