In an industry that has seen tremendous growth in the past few decades, gym owners need to keep up with the latest trends and statistics related to gym memberships. These gym membership statistics enable owners and fitness professionals to make data-driven decisions. Understanding these statistics means that gym owners have learned what their members expect from them and how to keep their clients loyal for long-term success.

As 2024 unfolds, it is crucial for gym owners to keep up with trendy statistics that enable them to shape the future of the fitness industry. As a gym owner, you might be curious about the trends and statistics in the fitness industry.  Look no further! We have done the research for you and gathered the most relevant fitness industry statistics that enable you to stay ahead in the game. To help you understand your clients better, here are 130+ gym statistics you need to know. 

General gym membership statistics

Before ensuring a good gym experience for your clients, you need to understand what they expect. A deep understanding of what your clients want enables you to program all the gym activities accordingly. Here are some essential statistics that give you an idea about the clients’ demographics, industry size, and growth in the industry. 

The fitness industry revenue and number of gyms

To excel in the industry, you have to understand the fitness industry’s net worth and the number of gyms competing with you worldwide. Moreover, you also have to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the fitness industry. 

The fitness industry pre-pandemic 

  • According to Statista research, the expected revenue from the health and fitness industry in 2019 was $96.7 billion
  • The number of fitness clubs in 2019 was around 205,000, accommodating 184.6 million members(IHSRA).
  • Between 2013 and 2019, gym memberships in fitness clubs grew by 28% worldwide. (Gitnux)
  • In 2019, 1 out of 5 Americans belonged to atleast one fitness club in the US (IHSRA).

The fitness industry COVID-19 era 

  • In 2020, fitness clubs were forced to close, which led to a decline in the fitness industry’s revenue. 
  • The closure of the fitness clubs led to a decline in revenue from $ 96.7 billion in 2019 to $54.2 billion in 2021. (Wellness Creatives Co)
  • The decrease in revenue in the COVID era is estimated to be 44%
  • From mid-March to August 31, 2020, gyms and health clubs in the US lost around $13.9 billion. (IHSRA). 

The fitness industry post-pandemic era 

  • In 2023, the fitness industry has generated an expected revenue of $216 billion worldwide. (Run Repeat
  • By 2028, the fitness industry is expected to grow with a CAGR of 172%, reaching revenue up to $ 435 billion. (Run Repeat) 
  • More than 210,000 fitness clubs have been operating around the globe since the pandemic in 2021. (Wellness Creatives Co) 
  • Europe is the home to up to 30% of the fitness clubs worldwide (Statista

Gym membership demographics

Gym owners have to study client demographics to achieve long-term success in the fitness industry. These demographics enable them to analyze client behavior based on age groups, genders, races, and ethnicities. Moreover, these demographics allow you to identify the target audience. 

Gym statistics by age 

  • As per the survey, dedicated members who go to the gym daily are between the age bracket of 36-37. (2019 Consumer Fitness Survey
  • New members who mostly join gyms are 30 years old. (2019 Consumer Fitness Survey)

According to the Les Mills report, the following percentage of Members under the age of 30 attend the gym. 

  • Gen Z, the generation born between 1994 and 2002, has a 35% share of gym-goers. 
  • The generation( Millennials) born between 1979 and 1993 have a 45% share of gym-goers. 
  • The Gen X generation, born between 1964 to 1979, has a 14% share in the fitness industry. 
  • The generation born between 1949 and 1963 ( baby boomers) has a 6% share in the fitness industry. 

Gym statistics by gender 

  • Women in the fitness industry make up over half of the gym goers at 50.5% ( 2020, IHRSA). 
  • The ratio of women members in the gym has increased to 32.2% since 2010. (Run Repeat)
  • The ratio of men who go to the gym has increased by 23.2% since 2010. (Run Repeat) 
  • About 40% of the men say that negative body image acts as a motivation to join the gym. (Run Repeat) 
  • About 43% of women and 46% of men use mobile phones during exercise in the gym. (Run Repeat) 
  • The ratio of men to women who quit the gym after one year is 8% and 14%. (Finances Online

Gym statistics by race and ethnicity

Here is the breakdown of the gym-goer list based on self-identified race or ethnicity. (Run Repeat)

  • The number of Asian gym-goers is around 7.19%
  • African Americans made up 12.3% of gym-goers. 
  • Hispanics made up 12.78%
  • White people comprised the majority of the gym-goers, up to 66.34%.

Gym usage statistics

  • Since 2010, the number of people who joined the gym has increased to around 73.6 million in the US, which is a 27% increase. (IHRSA)
  • The number of people who visit the gym twice a week in America is about 49.9%. (IHSRA)
  •  Around 6.3% of Americans use their gym membership sparingly. (Run Repeat
  • The membership length suggests a participant is stuck with their decision, around 4.7 years. (IHSRA) 
  • 50% of the members consider the gym location a critical factor in renewing their memberships. (IHSRA)
  • 50% of the members quit the gym in the first 6 months of the membership. (Run Repeat) 
  • About 38% of gym-goers say they quit because of the membership cost. 
  • About 23% of the members say that they did not use their memberships in the meantime, and that’s why they quit. 
  • Gym members with an income of more than $150,000 are likelier to make 100 visits per year to the gym. ( IHSRA)

Gym ownership statistics

For a successful gym, you have to decide whether to start an independent gym or buy a franchise of a famous gym. Both options have their advantages and drawbacks. So, before deciding about gym ownership, you must remember the statistics related to gym ownership. 

  • Opening an independent gym costs between $250,000 and $500,000. This cost difference depends upon factors like location, size of the gym, equipment used, and marketing of the gym. (ISSA
  • For a commercial gym of 278 square meters,  A gym owner has to spend $10,000-$50,000 on equipment. (Hapana
  • For a small gym with a tight budget, the owner needs around $50,000 in total investment. (StudioGrowth
  • A small gym manages its expenses if the owner purchases a cheaper license of $10,000 and spends less on the equipment. (StudioGrowth). 
  • Mid-range gyms have to spend a budget of $100,000-$20,000 to open a franchise. (StudioGrowth)
  • Gym owners have to spend a budget of $500,000-$1,000,000 per gym to purchase a license for a high-end gym. (StudioGrowth)
  • Gym owners who have bought a franchise have to pay an annual fee to franchise owners that ranges from $20,000 to $60,000. It depends upon the worth of the franchise. (ISSA)
  • Franchisees must also pay the franchise owner a royalty fee of about 4% to 8% on a quarterly basis of all the revenue. (ISSA) 
  • 70% of the gym owners are men, while women hold a share of 30% of the gym owners. (SportAlliance
  • 36% of the women in the fitness industry are in leadership positions. (SportAlliance) 
  • Around 47% of the males are in leadership positions. (SportAlliance)

Statistics on popular fitness classes

As a gym owner, you must know the class statistics that members want. This knowledge can help you improve your gym’s revenue. Moreover, introducing popular classes in your gym can help you attract new clients and give them a good user experience. 

  • The Pilates and Yoga studio market is to grow at a 10% CAGR between 2021 and 2028. (Researchdive
  • The most popular virtual fitness classes are Yoga, HIIT, and Pilates. (Statista
  • Yoga holds a 32% market share in the virtual fitness classes. (Statista)
  • HIIT holds the second position with a 15.6% market share. Pilates holds 8.3% of the market share. (Statista)
  • In 2020, 76% of the women attended group classes such as yoga, cycling, and aerobics. ( Statista)
  • The number of male participants who took part in group classes was 1,141,242. While the number of female participants was 3,312,663 in 2020.
  • In 2022, the number of male participants in group classes such as yoga and aerobies increased by 4%. Meanwhile, women’s participation decreased by 6%. (

Global gym membership statistics

  • The number of global gyms operational is 210,000, but US gyms bring the most revenue and members. ( IHSRA)
  • More than gym members are active in the fitness industry are more than 183 million. (Gitnux)

As per Expert Fitness, the following countries have more members per gym. 

  • Singapore: 1,600 
  • South Africa: 2,072
  • Taiwan: 2,366
  • Hong Kong: 2,389 
  • China: 2,558 
  • With 4800 locations in 32 countries, Anytime Fitness is the biggest chain in the world in terms of members and locations
  • Planet Fitness came in second place with 2,324 locations worldwide.
  • With 800 locations worldwide, Fit Body Boot Camp is the fastest-growing boot camp, with more than 600+ franchises in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK.

As per IHSRA, the following countries have the most gym facilities. 

  • USA: 41,370 
  • Brazil: 29,525

Gym Membership Statistics in the US

  • The number of gym facilities in the United States of America is about 41,370. (IHSRA)
  • The US Fitness industry has generated $30.8 billion in revenue in 2023. (Statista) 
  • The number of active gym members in the US is about 64.19 million gym members. (gitnux) 
  • The average membership cost in the US in 2021 was $37.71 per month. (Run Repeat) 
  • In 2023, the average American spends around $40 to $ 70 monthly on gym membership. ( Good RX Health) 

Here are the top three most revenue-generating fitness clubs in the US in 2021. ( Statista) 

  • 24-hour fitness: $14.7 billion
  • Life Time: $1.9 billion
  • LA Fitness: $2.15 billion
  • Gym owners generate a revenue of $545.81 per member each year (Run Repeat)

The following gyms offer the least expensive monthly membership in the US. 

  • Planet Fitness: $10
  • YouFit: $10 
  • Work Out World: $10 
  • World Gym: $15.99 
  • Crunch: $19.95 

Gym membership statistics in the UK

  • The number of gym facilities in the United Kingdom is about 4,880, a 9.6% increase from 2022 to 2023. (IBISWorld)
  • The UK fitness industry has grown with a CAGR of 4.2% and generated revenue of 1.8 billion pounds($2.292 billion). (IBIS World) 
  • One of the 7th people in the UK is an active gym member. (RunRepeat) 
  • In the United Kingdom, there are about 1425 members per gym. (RunRepeat)
  • Gym owners generate a revenue of 466.21 pounds ($593.65) per member annually. (Run Repeat) 
  • As of November 2023, 16% of the UK population, around 11 million, are active gym members.
  • In 2023, the average cost that the UK citizen spends on a monthly membership at the gym was about 44.92 pounds ($57.20). (HCM

Gym membership statistics in Asia

  • The fitness industry generated $1.74 billion in 2022 and expected revenue of $2.51 billion by 2027. (Statista
  • The fitness industry in Asia is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.23% till 2027.
  • Asia has around 22 million health club members, with an average penetration rate of 4.28%.
  • In Asia, 80% of members with a gym membership pay less than $ 20 per month. (DSG Consumer
  • China has the highest number of members per gym in Asia, around 2558. (IHSRA)
  • 84 % of the Asian people with active gym memberships go once a week. (DSG Consumer) 
  • 47% of Indonesians say pricing is the only reason they cannot buy gym memberships. (DSG consumer) 
  • Kuwait has the highest gym membership penetration, with 9% of the population having gym memberships. (DWTC)
  • Saudi Arabia reported 2193 gyms in January 2024. (Statista)
  • 31% of the UAE is considering a gym membership in 2024. (Statista) 

Gym membership cost statistics

  • The average gym-goer should prepare to invest around $500 and $700 on fitness annually. (Trusty Spotter)  
  • Gym enthusiasts require a one-time initiation fee of around $100 to $200, along with the monthly payment. (MoneyCrasher) 
  • HIIT studios make up 39% of the fitness industry, along with strength-focused gyms  (41.7%), Pilates/Yoga( 52%), and gym/fitness studios(57%), which have a membership fee between $10 to $40 per month. (Harrison, CO)
  • The Americans spend on the gym membership is around $58 (MoneyCrasher) 
  • The average American spends less than 30 dollars a year when it comes to investing in fitness. (CNBC)

Here are the countries that are the most expensive regarding average monthly membership fees.

  • Saudi Arabia: $86.99
  • Switzerland: $91.83
  • Singapore:  $105.10 
  • Kuwait: $107.74
  • Qatar: $110.08

Gym membership cancellation statistics

  • In the first 6 months of the gym, 50% of the gym-goers cancel their gym memberships. (IHSRA) 
  • Around 8% of males cancel their gym memberships after one year. (IHSRA)
  • While 16% of the females cancel their gym memberships in the first year of the gym. (IHSRA)
  • 38% of the gym members quit because of the membership costs. (Finances Online) 
  • 63% of the members who have yet to participate in the group fitness classes have higher chances of quitting. (Finances Online) 
  • However, staff interaction reduces the risk of cancellation by just 2 monthly interactions by 33%. (IHSRA)
  • Over 27% of European gym members quit gyms within the first six months. (Gitnux) 

Gym membership retention statistics

  • With a 5% increase in the retention rate of the clients, gym owners can improve the revenue of their gym up to 95%. (Invespco)
  • The average member stay rate in a gym is about 3.3 years (Gitnux) 
  • Boutique fitness studios have higher retention rates than traditional ones, up to 70%. (Gitnux)
  • With the right gym membership software, owners can boost retention rates by up to 14%. (Gitnux) 
  • The client retention rate for personal trainers ranges between 60% to 85%. (Gitnux)
  • With a positive fitness experience, gym owners increase the 80% chance that their clients refer someone to their gym. (Gitnux)   
  • Women have a higher retention rate in the gym, up to 63%, which is actively past the one-year mark. 
  • Gym owners can improve the 20% retention rate by offering free guest passes to their clients. (Gitnux)

The future of fitness: stats for virtual and online classes

  •  The online fitness industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 33.1% between 2021 and 2027, reaching $59 billion by 2027. (
  • The live-streaming fitness market is also predicted to grow at a CAGR of 35% yearly till 2026. ( 
  • In 2022, online exercise classes reached the top 10 fitness trend list and attained 9. (Wellness Creatives Co

Here are the top 3 most popular courses worldwide virtually(Finance Online

  • Yoga: 32% 
  • HIIT: 15.6% 
  • Pilates: 8.3% 

Final takeaway 

These valuable insights act as a helpful resource to grow your business and ensure a good user experience for your clients. Thus, they enable you to analyze the trends, growth, and demands of the different fitness niches and areas. So, you can make data-driven decisions that resonate with your fitness goals and drive your business success in the competitive fitness industry.