Whenever a potential customer reaches a business, the first and most important thing that he does is to study the review about the business.  To study the reviews of the business, clients flock to different websites such as Tripadvisor, Google, and Yelp. So, clients can read honest reviews and decide about that business.  As per Social Media Today’s research,  89% of the clients purchased within a week of the business visit, while 29% made purchases within a day after consulting online reviews. 

If you are a gym owner and want your gym to become number one in the town and have maximum client reach, you have to get more gym reviews. These gym reviews allow new fitness enthusiasts to get a picture of your gym services. As per the Qualtrics research, 97% of the clients read of the people for local business. Moreover, 31% of the clients are willing to spend more on a business if they find that it has excellent reviews. 

As a gym owner, you might wonder how to get more gym reviews to grow your business. Here, we will discuss five ways to collect your gym reviews and increase your gym conversion rate by 270%

Why are clients’ gym reviews essential? 

If you want to understand the importance of gym reviews, you have to see the picture of your business from your client’s eyes. Having online reviews of your business enables you to fill the gap between feedback and word-of-mouth marketing that impacts a client’s opinion. After reading online reviews, your clients develop a better understanding and trust in your gym business. Here are three reasons why client reviews are essential to grow your business. 

Personal recommendations

To grow your gym in the fitness industry and local market, online reviews act as personal recommendations.  These online reviews allow clients to share their voices and personal opinions about a business. Newcomers who want to make a visit read these reviews online and consider it as a personal recommendation from a friend. 

For example, in your gym, you have started a system of online gym reviews and ask each client to give their reviews on the website as feedback. This feedback helps you portray the actual picture of your gym and acts as a personal recommendation for newcomers. Thus, it is essential to get online reviews to grow your business. 

Gain the client’s trust 

As a gym owner, you have to understand that collecting online reviews comes with its own risk. Whenever you use the incentive of online reviews in your gym, you are not able to control what your clients can say about your gym. Whether you ensure top-notch customer support in your gym with the best fitness professionals, if you encounter a client having a bad day, it leads to a negative review. 

But, to gain your potential lead’s trust, you have to think about positive and negative reviews. As businesses that offer open feedback show a certain level of transparency and gain their client’s trust. 

Influence buying decisions

One of the biggest reasons you need to have online reviews is to influence the buying decisions of potential clients. According to Qualtrics research, 93% of clients say that online reviews influence their buying decisions. 

So, If you want your gym to influence clients to purchase your services or products, all you need to do is start showing reviews about your gym product or service. These online reviews help you portray a more transparent picture of your business. Moreover, these reviews also act as mini-marketing campaigns that help you influence the buying decisions of your clients by just posting a review. 

5 ways to get more gym reviews 

Now you understand why you need to have an online review for your business. As it not only allows you to attract new clients but also enables you to portray a clear and transparent picture of your gym. Now, it is time to discuss how to get more gym reviews so that you can grow your business and influence your potential clients to buy your services. Here are the 6 best ways to get more gym reviews. 

Ask your client to leave a review 

One of the best ways to get honest reviews about your gym is to ask your clients to share their thoughts about your gym’s services and products because a person going through a process understands better and gives a more honest review about your gym services. 

So, you must pick the right moment before asking for the reviews. The right moment gives you a better chance to get more positive reviews. However, if you encounter a client having a bad day, your gym will receive a negative review.  For example, in your gym, you are planning to organize an event. Before the event, you had decisions with your clients, and they showed keen interest in participating. Then, it may be the right time to ask about the positive review of your gym.  

Moreover, you also have to consider to whom you are asking for the review. Always ask your loyal clients to give reviews about your gym, as repeat clients are happier with your services and give a more positive review. 

Conduct client surveys

You can also conduct client surveys in your gym, as it is one of the greatest ways to get feedback from your clients. Surveys enable you to conduct reviews of your clients quickly. For example, as a gym owner, you want all your gym clients to fill out the survey form and share their thoughts. Then, try giving them a free gym pass for a family member or a friend as a reward for filing the survey. It allows you to get more reviews with a happy smile. Moreover, your survey should be concise and clear.  

You also have to understand what sort of questions you want to include in your survey. For example, if you want your survey to answer clients’ doubts as testimonials, then you have to make a question that reflects it. 

Create incentives

As per Clutch’s survey, 1 out of 5 clients in the world rely on online reviews to make purchasing decisions. However, 81% of the clients can’t leave reviews for products or services by themselves.  So, to get the reviews of the 81% of the clients, you need to start incentives to the clients for their reviews. You can give your clients different types of incentives depending on the number of clients. One of the best ways of incentives that you should promise to your clients is the loyalty program. The loyalty program lets you customize the incentive per the client’s requirement. 

For example, you have to give 10 points to your client for its review as per the loyalty program. Now it’s up to your client what he wants against those 10 points, whether a discount on next month’s membership or a cash prize. Thus, giving incentives to your clients helps you get more reviews, which in turn contributes a lot to revenue generation. 

Put a review form on your website 

Another best way to get reviews from your clients and prospects is to put a review form on your website. Your members and prospects visit your website for different purposes, so you have to ensure your clients can also leave reviews on your website directly. Thus, it helps you gain the trust of potential clients searching for an appropriate solution for their physical fitness. 

You can collect reviews from your clients in several ways. First, make sure that your gym website is mobile-friendly. The majority of people give feedback and reviews on their mobile phones. Second, make sure that the review form is concise so it encourages your clients to leave feedback about your gym. 

Embed a link in your email 

Embedding a link in your email is another way to remind your clients about reviews. Whenever you send emails to your clients, the embedded link lets you get more organic feedback.

This link directly takes your client to places like Yelp, Google, or Facebook. Where your client can quickly read reviews and leave their thoughts about your gym. Moreover, if you think your clients prefer another communication medium, you can also send your clients review links via Whatsapp. 

Final thoughts

There are a lot of reasons that influence the decision of the clients while making a purchase. While making a purchase, the majority of people consider online reviews as a recommendation by their friends. 

So, you need to introduce an online review system for your gym. These online reviews enable you to give a transparent and clear image of your business, build trust, and increase gym membership sales.