Gym Scheduling App

Manage all bookings that give your life a rhythm and avoid frustration, panic, and lack of coordination.’s gym scheduling app enables studio owners to set and display schedules. In addition, the software makes it convenient for members to book classes easily.

24/7 class booking

Enable your members to book their favorite class or session anywhere and anytime. Offering such convenience provides you with a competitive edge over your competitors, boosting sales and attracting customers worldwide. 

  • Global reach.
  • Reduce no-shows.
  • Maximize class strength.
  • Offer multiple services.

Calendar management

Manage recurring events and share calendars with the participants. In addition, you can create events and give them a name. Furthermore, specify relevant details such as date, time, and location. Moreover, the gym scheduling app allows you to edit event details during emergencies.

  • Notify members of editing.
  • Integrate with Google Calendar.
  • Use color coding to organize content.
  • Enable members to use filters to search specific events.

Intuitive calendar view

The user-friendly interface of the gym scheduling app enables your members to interact and adequately see the calendar view. You can highlight a specific class or event using particular color coding. In addition, the complete calendar view of the schedule enables members to navigate their required services easily.

  • Use the drag-and-drop function for rescheduling.
  • Display the instructor’s information.
  • Differentiate classes with categories.
  • Adjust font size to provide a clear view.

Set booking limits

Ensure higher quality of your gym services. At the same time, this function also aids in making the environment safe. You can set restrictions on the number of participants to attend an event or a class—similarly, set restrictions on some resources within a specified timeframe.

  • Ensure optimal class quality and adequately pay attention to members.
  • Ensure fair distribution of available slots.
  • Allow members to add themselves to the waiting list.
  • Make adjustments according to resource availability.
Fitness bootcamp online booking

Proceed without errors with the gym scheduling app

Our gym scheduling app eliminates errors such as double booking and overlapping classes. In addition, you can efficiently allocate resources for classes using the mobile application.’s gym scheduling app prevents additional bookings when a class reaches its limit.

Effective resource management

Serve your gym members according to your studio capacity. Such effective management saves your gym from overcrowding and enhances customer satisfaction. In this way, you ensure that no customer faces frustration because of overcrowding. You serve each customer with complete dedication and watch their progress keenly. Moreover, the workout experience becomes more enjoyable and safer for the participants.

Data security

Make your members worry-free about the security of their data. Promise them confidentiality with confidence. Our gym scheduling app uses double encryption to prevent unauthorized access. In addition, the mobile application protects data from data breaches and theft. At the same time, it addresses potential vulnerabilities and regularly undergoes security audits. These essential features are available in the mobile application to enhance customer trust and provide them peace of mind.

Access control system

You are getting complete control, from managing schedules to managing access to your gym spaces. The scheduling app software features an access control system. Using this feature, you can increase the gym studio’s security. It allows you to restrict unauthorized people’s access to some specific areas. In addition, using this feature, you can limit access to some resources at particular hours.

Waitlist management

Our gym scheduling app reduces no-shows and increases class capacity. The mobile application enables you to meet the demand of members interested in joining a completely booked class. Using the mobile application, they can reserve their slot. So, when a slot gets free, they receive a notification. In this way, you maintain your class strength and meet the demands of your gym members. Most importantly, you can quickly identify the class demand using the scheduling application. So, setting the frequencies of classes becomes easier.

Fitness bootcamp management software solution

Class reminders

Using’s gym scheduling app, you can send class reminders to class participants. This keeps their motivation high and builds a strong reputation for your gym in the market. Moreover, class schedule awareness among participants enables you to organize classes better.

  • Builds client loyalty
  • Foster communication
  • Increase the number of participants
  • Boost revenue

Booking confirmations

Receiving a booking notification enhances trust and confidence among members. However, such precautions maintain transparency and help you make an organized schedule. In addition, members get a sense of satisfaction from their reservations.

  • Display available time slots on the schedule.
  • Write class descriptions, such as the instructor’s name.
  • Clearly define the cancelation policies.
  • Enable your members to pay through the mobile application.

Online rescheduling

Enable your members to reschedule or cancel their bookings using the gym scheduling app. Furthermore, the mobile application aligns with your gym’s cancellation policies. Moreover, the changes one makes become visible in the real-time schedule.

  • Saves time and effort for gym owners and members.
  • Improves member satisfaction.
  • Reduce no-shows.
  • Respects members’ choices results in a higher retention rate.

Organized data

The mobile application centralizes all data and enables you to access the information of an individual member. It categorizes members’ data according to their names, gender, and enrollment date. Such an organization allows you to track your members’ booking history.

  • Enable you to run targeted marketing campaigns.
  • The software features scalability and grows with your business.
  • Upload documents for your reminders.
  • Go paperless and save overall operational costs.

Want to know more about gym management software?